Special Prom 2019

Special Prom is June 1, 2019.

Special Prom is a night of over-the-top celebration for people thirteen and older with special needs. Our guests are loved, honored and given the opportunity to enjoy a full-scale prom with their peers. This annual event is provided free of charge to our special needs guests.

Important INFO

6pm – Doors Open/ Registration

7pm – Red Carpet

9pm – Last Dance

Location: New Life Gillette Church, 1000 Comanche Ave., Gillette, Wyoming

Who is invited: Any person with special needs ages 13 and older is invited to attend. In addition, each guest may bring a date/escort as well as his/her parents/caretakers. This is a 13+ event, so we ask that each family finds their own childcare for younger siblings.

Cost: This event is provided free of charge to our guests.


Online registration is over. Please register tonight at the door.


Is the event really free?

Yes. It is our desire that our guests are able to enjoy an evening of celebration without the costs associated with a traditional prom. Music, food, photos, etc. are all provided. In addition, we will be hosting a Special Prom Boutique on May 17 & 18 to help with finding attire. (See Boutique section below.)

New this year is the option to purchase photos. George Dunlap of Dunlap Photography is donating his time to photograph our guests. Each guests will receive one 5×7 photograph, compliments of Dunlap Photography. Additional photos can be ordered via the registration form or the evening of the event.

Who may attend?

Special Prom is intended for special needs individuals aged 13 or older. Each special needs guest is encouraged to have someone to walk the Red Carpet with them. This may be a date, a caretaker, a parent, a sibling, or a Dance Buddy.

In addition, parents and caregivers are encouraged to attend Special Prom. All in attendance must be 13 years of age or older.

Why no children?

In the past we have allowed (and even encouraged) younger siblings and volunteer children to attend. However, as this event continues to grow each year, we have realized that having dozens of young children running around the room does not provide a safe or hospitable environment for our guests, many of whom have mobility issues and struggle with sensory over-stimulation.

In order that this event be safer and more focused on our Special Needs guests, children under 13 may attend the Red Carpet, but will not be allowed to enter the auditorium for the dance. We ask that you make childcare arrangements.

What is appropriate attire?

We want our guests to be comfortable. This year’s prom has a Hawaiian luau theme so we are encouraging guests to wear luau attire. Bright floral Aloha shirts for the guys and colorful dresses for the ladies.

Tuxedos and prom dresses are optional but not necessary. Because our theme is Hawaiian luau, we do encourage the men to wear Aloha shirts this year. Tuxedos may be rented, however, this will be at your own expense. We will provide a variety of Aloha shirts, free of charge, at the Special Prom Boutique for the guys.

What is the Special Prom Boutique?

New this year is the Special Prom Boutique. The Boutique will be open May 17 from 4-6pm and May 18 from 9am- 1pm. The boutique will feature a selection of new and gently used dresses that our female guests may choose from (free of charge) as well as new Aloha shirts that our male guests may choose from (free of charge). We encourage all of our guests to stop in on one of these two days to select a shirt or dress!

Special Prom Boutique will be held at New Life Church, enter thru the lower parking lot doors on the East side of the building. Look for balloons!

What is the timeline?

May 1-31: Register for Special Prom using the link above

May 17-18: Special Prom Boutique

June 1: Special Prom

  • 6pm – Doors open (Doors will remain locked until 6pm so our volunteers can get into position.) Guests check in at the lower Kid Zone entrance – look for pink balloons. *Guests in wheelchairs and those who cannot walk up a flight of stairs should check in at the upper Kid Zone entrance – look for green balloons. Our guests will be given leis and escorted to classrooms to await the Red Carpet. Each classroom will be hosted by a volunteer who has appropriate child abuse and FBI clearances on file. Parents and Caregivers may then proceed to the lobby (use doors at orange stairs) to watch the Red Carpet.
  • 7pm – Red Carpet and Prom. Guests will be introduced and walk the Red Carpet. Dancing will begin immediately as our guests enter the auditorium. During the prom a variety of snacks will be available. A photographer will also be taking photos. New this year – a VIP lounge for parents of our special needs guests.
  • 9pm – Last Dance. Thanks for coming and we hope to see you next year!

Do I need a date? What’s a Dance Buddy?

Each of our guests will be announced and will walk the Red Carpet. Most of our guests prefer not to walk alone. We encourage our guests to have a date, friend, sibling, parent or Dance Buddy to walk with them on the Red Carpet.

Dance Buddies are friendly New Life volunteers who can be paired with our special needs guests. Their job is to walk the Red Carpet and dance with our guests throughout the evening. You may request a Dance Buddy at registration.

You will meet your Dance Buddy when you check-in.

Do I need to bring anything?

You do not! Everything is provided…snacks, drinks, leis, sunglasses, music! The only thing you may want is your phone/camera.

Copy of email sent 5/27/19: