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Ministries of New Life

New Life Kids

New Life has an intense passion to engage children with biblical truth in an environment that is fun, safe, and effective. Our extraordinary children’s volunteers, leadership, and facilities prove New Life will spare no expense or effort to attract and teach kids about Jesus. Please visit Plugged In and “Sign Up” to expedite the check-in process for your children on Sunday morning. See what your child is currently learning here.

New Life Youth

New Life Youth meets on Wednesdays during the school year at New Life Gillette Church. 7&8th graders meet from 6-8 pm and 9-12th graders 7:00 – 9 pm. Students need to experience the unconditional love of God. When we teach and demonstrate a Godly lifestyle to students, we are influencing future generations as they grow in their relationships with Christ. We serve to equip teenage students with the tools they need to know God’s truth, trust His love, and serve the mission of His family.

Blessings In A Backpack

Blessings in a Backpack is a community-based program designed to provide snacks and meals to kids who may need a little extra help between lunch on Friday and breakfast on Monday. We feed between 1,000 and 1,300 kids per week in 20 schools throughout Campbell County depending on the faithfulness of dozens of weekly volunteers and many donors for this vital ministry. For more information click HERE.

Life Groups

Life Groups reflect the importance of spending time with other Christ-followers outside of Sunday morning at church. Life Groups at New Life meet weekly over the course of a fall and spring semester to discuss Sunday’s message, pray for each other, encourage each other to grow in faith and serve the community together. This is a reflection of how Jesus set up the early church of believers to worship and fellowship together.   If you’re interested in joining a group fill this out for us here.

the Purchased Project

The Purchased Project supports New Life missions through fair trade partnerships. By shopping at the booth in the lobby, you support Christian missions in giving a living wage to talented artisans. The proceeds from each sale goes to fund many other missions that New Life supports. For more info click here.

Digital Missions

New Life has discovered some tools and opportunities that have had incredible results in reaching people with the gospel. Tens of thousands of people who would not have otherwise had interactions with New Life, have heard that Jesus loves them unconditionally and died to give them new life. Our primary outreach tool for digital missions is

Casper, WY Church Plant

Uncharted Church is a new church launching in Casper, WY in 2025. Instead of expecting people in the community to seek them out, Uncharted strives to go out to those in the community. They love taking risks in order to reach out to people, and radically empower people to lead. They are on a mission to be a community that unbelievers love to be a part of.

Meal Ministry

The mission of New Life’s Meal Ministry is designed to provide meals to New Lifers in need.  These meals are provided on a temporary basis for those who have a need including major medical, new babies, and deaths. A request for a meal train does not guarantee that one will be provided. Meal trains will be considered on a situation by situation basis and will be provided depending upon the availability of the team.


Our goal is to bring joy and comfort through physical nourishment to our New Lifers.


“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.”      ~ Matthew 25: 35


To request a meal train, please email Julie Smith at


Include the following information in your email:

  1. Name and phone number of the person requesting the meal train.
  2. Who is the recipient of the meal train?
  3. What is the situation (major medical – explain, new baby, death)?
Meal Train_Pic_Collage Gillette, Wyoming

New Life's
Out Reach Efforts

Acts 1:8

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

Our Mission

We encourage people to come as they are and become the people God created them to be.

New Life Provides:





Meal Ministry

The mission of New Life’s Meal Ministry is designed to provide meals to New Lifers in need.  These meals are provided on a temporary basis for those who have a need including major medical, new babies, and deaths. A request for a meal train does not guarantee that one will be provided. Meal trains will be considered on a situation by situation basis and will be provided depending upon the availability of the team.

Our goal is to bring joy and comfort through physical nourishment to our New Lifers.

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.”      ~ Matthew 25: 35

To request a meal train, please email Julie Smith at

Include the following information in your email:

  1. Name and phone number of the person requesting the meal train.
  2. Who is the recipient of the meal train?
  3. What is the situation (major medical – explain, new baby, death)?

New Life Craft Show

New Life Ladies’ purpose is to provide opportunities for women at New Life to come as they are and become who they were meant to be. We do this through Bible studies, journaling groups, fellowship meals, live simulcasts, and community events such as our annual craft show. 

For more info on the Craft Show please email Julie Smith at