
Our Mission is

To encourage people to come as they are and become who God created them to be.

It is tempting to surround ourselves with people who act like we act and prioritize the things we prioritize. New Life resists that temptation when we invite people to come as they are to find God and the life they were created to live.

“He died for everyone so that those who receive his NEW LIFE will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them.”

We don’t follow the rules of the New Covenant because it will keep us in right relationship with God. Jesus took care of that. We follow the commands of the New Covenant because it will keep us in right relationship with people. Jesus doesn’t ONLY make our lives better; He makes us better at life for the benefit of our NEIGHBOR and even our enemies.

"But this is the new covenant I will make with the people of Israel on that day, says the Lord: I will put my laws in their minds, and I will write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. And they will not need to teach their neighbors, nor will they need to teach their relatives, saying, ‘You should know the Lord.’ For everyone, from the least to the greatest, will know me already."

It’s not our job to preach at people or to get them to live the way we want them to live. God said He’ll take care of that. It’s our job to LOVE. That’s the command of the New Covenant. When we love people, we are showing them that we are in relationship with the God of love, the God who is already written on their heart.

New Life should be an ENVIRONMENT where people can pursue the NUDGING of the Holy Spirit. WHEN God draws people to Himself, it’s our job to help them see Him more clearly.

How does New Life help people see God more clearly? We help people live in LOVE. The “become who you were meant to be” part of our mission is not about knowing enough or being good enough. It’s about playing our part as INSTRUMENTS that God can use to reveal His love to people.

Jesus loves you unconditionally, and He died to give you new life.

Our Vision is

To create environments that help people see that Jesus loves them unconditionally and that He died to give them new life.

10-Year Plan

We will have a weekly service attendance of 3,500 (2,200 in-person and 1,300 online) by focusing on unchurched people and the next generation.



Total In-Person Attendance


Total Online Attendance

35% of our congregation will be living a life on mission (connecting, serving, and giving).


In a Life Group


We will increase the spiritual impact of our outreach to Gillette, Campbell County, Wyoming, and beyond (Acts 1:8).





Our Core Values

Expect Change:

Change happens in life, no matter what; New Life wants to encourage change by assisting each person to Become who God created them to be. If that means NL needs to change, we are willing to do that for the sake of the Kingdom.

Welcome Graciously:

At our core, we say “Come” to everyone, and we love to make each person feel at home at NL.

Connect Intentionally:

God created Adam and decided he should not be alone; We are created for community; Life Groups is the primary model, but we encourage mentoring, coffee drinking, big gatherings, and small gatherings; We “Become” best by growing in community.

Give Sacrificially:

“God so loved that He gave…; To follow Jesus means we are generous; As we “Become,” we grow in generosity both as individuals and as a congregation.

Reach Strategically:

Until everyone in Gillette, 307, and beyond are following Jesus, we will reach out with the Gospel; Each New Lifer is encouraged to invite others who don’t yet know Jesus, to “Come as they are.”

Prioritize Next Gen:

We must reproduce Christian faith in the lives of our children. We will teach our kids the Big Story of Jesus’ love, and we will cast lasting vision to our teens. Then we will hand off church leadership to them early and often. We will also accomplish this by teaching parents how to disciple their children.