Love Gillette Spring 2019

Welcome Life Group Leaders!

At New Life we believe that circles are better than rows – that your best spiritual growth happens in small, intentional community – and that one of the best ways to grow is to serve. Love Gillette is HOW we take Christ’s love into our community. Your Life Group has the opportunity to grow through service while impacting our community!

Below you will find a menu of Love Gillette project options for Spring. Once a project has been “taken” by a Life Group, the project will move below the line and no longer be an option for other groups. We would love to see all the listed projects “taken” by a group.

What to do: Choose a project. Email/call Karen Baughman with your project (717.681.5307 / {***Karen will handle the logistics of setting up your project if it is on the list below. You only need to contact her, not the organization.***} Do your project. Take and post pictures to the New Life Gillette Fb group.

If your group is particularly passionate about a project not on the list, you can Choose Your Own Adventure (CYOA). If you plan to CYOA, here are a few pointers:

  1. Partnership – the best projects allow New Life to partner with another organization in the community.
  2. Involvement – the best projects involve your entire Life Group.
  3. Wide Reaching – the best projects affect multiple people (not just an individual).
  4. Community – The best projects make an impact outside our church body by caring for those in our community who may not yet know Christ.

Special Prom- JUNE 1

Snacks – 1 group – Acquire food/drink donations from local businesses and purchase needed items. Set up and run the snack table throughout Special Prom. (Update: Pepsi has agreed to donate drinks!)

Publicity – 1 group – Distribute invitations to Special Prom to local organizations that work with the Special Needs community. Hang posters on public bulletin boards around town. Invitations and posters need to be distributed the last week of April.

Decor Set Up – 1-2 groups – If you don’t want to create the decorations, but will gladly help put them up, this is the job for your group. Need to be available May 31 at 7pm and/or June 1 at 9am. (Kallie Edwards group)

Room Set Up – 1 group – Looking for an energetic group to tear down all the chairs in the auditorium and set up pipe and drape and a few tables/chairs.

Clean Up – 1 group – Tear down the tables and pipe and drape and reset the room for Sunday. May need to vacuum.

Registration – 1 group – Your group will oversee check-in and the distribution of corsages and boutonnieres.

Check In Assistants – 2 groups -You will be assigned a small group of our guests to host in the check-in area until it is time for them to walk the Red Carpet. You will assist your group in walking from Kid Zone to the red carpet. Once your group walks the red carpet, you are free to enjoy the Prom or leave.

Dresses – 1 group – Your group will pick up the dresses from storage and bring them to the church and organize them by size. You will host several dress-fitting times for our female guests to come in and try on/select a dress.

VIP Lounge – 1 group – You will set up and host a VIP lounge where parents/caretakers can stop in and be pampered. (ideas…special snacks, chair massages)

Women’s Resource center

Daytime Auction set up – April 12 – 1 group

Auction Check In – April 12 – 5:30-6:30pm – 1 group – check in guests on computer

Auction Assistant – April 12 – 5:30-7:30pm – 1 group – use iPads to sell auction items

Center Spruce Up – choose a day to paint, clean or plant flowers at the center


Council of community services

Sort donations at Seconds on the Avenue

Serve a meal at the Soup Kitchen

Boys & Girls Club

Clean/organize the Love Gillette room at the Boys and Girls club – 1 group in March, 1 group in May

Purchase new toys or collect gently used toys for the Love Gillette Room at the Boys and Girls club (for ages 6-10)

Blessings in a backpack

Set up warehouse for bag packing – Any Monday evening

Deep clean the warehouse (choose a day) – 1 group

these projects are already loved:

GARF Work Day – 1-2 groups – hold a work day to fix up/paint at the shelter (all 3 Men’s Life Groups)

GARF Outdoor Work Day – 1-2 groups – hold a work day to mow and do yard work at the shelter (all 3 Men’s Life Groups)

Blessings in a Backpack – packing bags 2/27/19 – Carl Campbell’s Singles Life Group, 3/27/19 -Families with Children Group (Elly Henning), 4/24/19 – Empty Nesters (Matt Miller), 5/15/19 – Everyone (Tracy Serafin)

Diaper Drive – host a diaper drive to collect diapers for the center- Everyone Life Group (Browns)

Special Prom Decorations – Work within a budget to design and create the decorations for Special Prom. Give oversight to decor set up. Decor should be purchased, created and ready to go Friday May 10. Set up times May 10 at 7pm and May 11 at 9am. – Women’s Life Group (Amanda Mercer)

Special Prom Dance Buddies – We need some energetic people to pair up with one of our guests and dance the night away! This is the most fun way to serve at Special Prom! – Young Adults in their 20s and 30’s (Ruben Garcia) & Women’s Life Group (Anne Fischer)

Special Prom Red Carpet – Your groups will create posters to celebrate our guests as they walk the Red Carpet. You will welcome family and caretakers to the lobby and will cheer for our guests as they walk the Red Carpet. Following the Red Carpet festivities, you will help move the stanchions and chairs and roll up the carpet. – Families Life Group (Megan Hibbs) and Married with Kids (Christi Urman)

Special Prom Give Aways/ Door Prizes – Collect door prizes from local businesses – to be given as gifts to parents and caretakers. Everyone Life Group (Tracy Serafin)

WRC Process newsletter – flexible times, March 4th, 5th or 6th – Intentional Families Life Group (Karen Baughman)

Basket Creation – hold a drive to collect necessity items and make baskets to bless the women who have had to flee a domestic violence situation as they move into the shelter. – Empty Nesters (Matt Miller)

CYOA – Assisting With Rummage Sale to benefit Elizabeth Lord’s mission work – Empty Nesters 2 (June Land)

CYOA – Easter Baskets for Cathedral Home boys -Everyone Life Group (Rita Lawver)