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Resources on Happiness

Lasting happiness doesn’t happen by accident. It takes effort, and it takes faith in something that is bigger than you. The world tells us that we are all just here by accident, but purpose doesn’t happen by accident either. Without purpose, there is no happiness. Our purpose comes from the one who intimately created us to fulfill that purpose. Here are some resources to help you become the happy person that God created you to be.

Watch this messages from Pastor Mike: How To Be Happy Part 2

Check out a couple of blogs Pastor Mike wrote talking about:

Try the 31 Day Happiness Challenge.

For the next 31 days, read the book 31 Days to Happiness by David Jeremiah. You can find it on Amazon. The book is a look at history’s wisest and most successful man, King Solomon. It challenges readers to find what really matters in life. Solomon tested life’s haunting questions head-on. He tasted the fullness of life’s riches but found his answers in the last place he thought to look. If you thought happiness was only an empty hope, maybe you’ve simply been looking in all the wrong places.

Lasting happiness (or joy) is about more than positive emotions and circumstances. When we learn how to rely on God for our happiness rather than on our popularity, success, or comfort, we see our place in this world for what it is. The American dream won’t fulfill us. Romantic relationships won’t fulfill us, and wealth won’t fulfill us. We were created for a purpose, and it is to glorify God, not ourselves.

Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ.

Commitments for the challenge:

  1. Read one chapter from 31 Days to Happiness every day. 
  2. Read the daily passage from the book of Ecclesiastes.
  3. Pray every day about the daily prayer topic.

As you experience victories through this challenge, send your stories to Pastor Mike: Here