Faith At Work

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Our next lunch gathering is on January 22, 2022, at 10 am at The Railyard (113 S Gillette Ave), and we’d love it if you would join us. In each of these lunches, we will get tools to grow as Christian leaders in our workplaces, network with like-minded Christians, receive encouragement and advice to integrate our faith and work, and more.

God is at work where we work, so we serve the higher interests of the kingdom while leading with excellence in the marketplace. Faith At Work will equip Christians to integrate their faith and influence their workplace, by making disciples and unleashing the kingdom of God wherever they are.

Faith At Work

Faith at Work is led by Shay Lundvall. He and Lindsey have a son (Breckin) and a daughter (Skylin), and he has lived in Gillette most of his life. He is a Gillette City Council Member and the Business Development Manager at Earth Work Solutions.

Check out our other ministries.