New Life's Reopening Plan

*Updated 5/9/2020 at 2pm

The governor has moved churches to phase two of our reopening plan.

Guidelines for Opening NL Campus

General Guidelines

• Stay home if you think you might be sick.
• Masks are optional.
• Know the risk factors. Those with preexisting conditions and those over 65 years of age
are at a higher risk of experiencing severe symptoms if they contract the virus.
• If possible, maintain six feet of separation when you are with other people.
• You must decide what is best for your family. Please note that if you have any hesitancy
on returning to church, it is better to wait. There is no rush to get back to the building,
although we are looking forward to seeing you!
• If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

Preparing the Church

• New Life’s staff has begun a regular rotation of deep cleaning our buildings including bathrooms, doorknobs, light switches, microphones, etc.
• We use chemicals and disinfectants as directed, and we allow for proper dry times.
• We have removed pens, offering envelopes and flyers from the backs of the chairs.
• We are posting “don’t shake hands” signs. #itsoktosmileandwave.
• We will remove some seating for added social distancing, and we will designate some doors as “enter only” and other doors as “exit only.”
• We are adding a few hand sanitizer stations.
• We are adding “please wash your hands” signs in the restrooms.

Worship Services

• We will celebrate the return! Our first service together will be a Comeback Service, and all ages will be in the auditorium on that Sunday.
• Online services will continue for those who choose to stay home.
• Eventually, we may add an abbreviated third service at 11:30 am on Sundays.
• Initially, we will host midweek communion services online and avoid communion inperson.
• We will do some cleaning between each service, and our services will be shorter than usual to make that possible.
• We will continue to utilize offering boxes rather than passing a plate.

Amenities: Coffee and Bulletins

• We will ask all attenders not to congregate in the lobby.
• We will not hand out fliers/weeklies at the door.
• We will not serve coffee or donuts.

Greeters and Volunteers

• Our staff, greeters, ushers, and support team will not shake hands, hug, or engage in close conversation.
• There will only be one greeter stationed at each door.
• Doors will be propped open.
• If you need an offering envelope, an usher can give you one.
• As always, New Life’s support team will be available to deal with issues/concerns.
• When New Life Kids resumes in our building, computer check-in will be handled by a volunteer, not by the guardian.

New Life Kids and Youth

• When we open New Life Kids, the children and volunteers will not wear masks. If our governor requires people to wear masks, that will delay the opening of kid/youth services.
• Initially, the capacity of our rooms will be decreased. Because our kids’ rooms are normally already full, this will delay the opening of kid/youth services.
• Some cleaning will happen in the rooms between services.