Becoming a Christian

If you have decided to follow Christ please fill this form out.

Becoming a Christian all starts with Jesus!

Jesus walked the earth about 2,000 years ago.  As you might have heard, he died by being nailed to a cross. (More on that in a minute.)  But, he did not stay dead.  After he was in his grave for 3 days, he came back to life.  And he is still alive.  How did he do that?  Because Jesus is not just a man who lived 2,000 years ago, HE IS GOD.  The God who created the world.  The God who lives eternally.  That’s who Jesus is.

Can THAT Jesus love you?  That’s an easy answer.  YES!!!  Jesus loves you unconditionally.  Yes, you.  You may be surprised by that, but it is true.   Truthfully, we all have wondered that.  All of us have made some mistakes in life.  In the Church, we call that sin.  That’s when we don’t live the way God would want us to live.  Sin, both ours and other people’s, hurts us and hurts others. 

Sin makes life challenging, and it hurts our relationship with God.  As a matter of fact, our sin separates us from God.  Not because God doesn’t love us anymore, but because we have walked away from God.  It is kinda like being dead to Him. Like what one writer of the Bible says;

“For the wages of sin is death.”

Sin separates us from God, but it doesn’t have to stay that way.  If we are willing turn towards Jesus, and accept and trust his love, he welcomes us back.  That same verse continues…

“For the wages of sin is death but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.”

You see, the sin has the price tag of “death,” but if we trust Jesus, he already took care of the payment.  He says “YES” I will take your place.  That’s why he went to the cross and died. 

Maybe you have seen John 3:16 where Jesus tells us:

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”

Jesus says, “Yes,” to you.  Won’t you say, “Yes,” to him?  Would you say, “Yes Jesus, I will trust you with my life.”  “Yes Jesus, I will follow you.”  If you will, then Jesus blesses you with an even bigger “Yes.”

Check out this video from Pastor Mike to see all the Yes answers Jesus gives us, IF we say, “Yes,” to him and becoming a Christian.

If you want to say, “Yes,” to following Jesus, and becoming a Christian, let us know by filling out this form.  Stop in at New Life on a Sunday morning, and check the box on the “I’ve Decided” card that says you made a 1st time commitment to follow Jesus.  We will follow up and celebrate with you.

Also, we want to share a Next Step with you.  That would be Baptism.  Click here to go to our Baptism page to better understand what that is all about.

If you haven’t already done it, let us know that you’ve said yes to Jesus by clicking here:

Now that you’ve said yes to Jesus. It’s time to start following Him. Here are some next steps we encourage you to take: