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Don’t Be A Satan

Week_30_Don’t Be a Satan New Life Gillette Church wyoming

Don’t Be a Satan There were many times that Jesus told people not to tell others about things He had said and done. He did this because He was not yet ready to go public with His ministry. Jesus knew that announcing who He was would begin His journey to the cross, and the bloody […]

Be The Rock

Week_29_Be A Rock Upon this Rock blog new life gillette church wyoming

Storm the Gates of Hell Peter is often viewed as the leader of the apostles. He regularly risked his life for the Christian mission, that is until he understood the Christian mission involved the death of Jesus. As Jesus marched to His crucifixion, three times Peter denied that he was a follower of Christ. Peter […]

Storm the Gates of Hell

Week_28_Storm the Gates of Hell Upon this Rock blog new life gillette church wyoming

Storm the Gates of Hell One day Jesus took his young male followers to an orgy, in Caesarea Philippi…Just let that sink in. Caesarea Philippi was a city built for one primary purpose, to worship the gods. They built the city on a giant rock at the entrance to a large cave from which water […]

Embracing Sea Monsters

Week 27 embracing sea monsters new life gillette church upon this rock blog

Embracing Sea Monsters I am an American, and the agenda to redeem America has been a priority of the American church for most of my life. We put American flags beside Christian flags on our stages and glorify our nation. I have learned, too late in life, that to change a nation you have to […]

The Strength of Twelve

Week_26_The Strength of Twelve. New Life Gillette Church upon this rock blog

The Strength of Twelve The prophet Isaiah gives us many messianic prophecies that clearly point to Jesus and His kingdom. Jesus is in charge. Justice flows freely from His throne. He sits in Heaven and mourns for His enemies. He is not afraid of them. They have no power. They cannot be compared to Him, […]

Staying Faithful in Storms

Week_25_Enduring Storms

Staying Faithful in Storms Ships don’t sink because there is water around them, they sink when water gets inside them. Don’t let what is happening around you get inside of you and weigh you down. Many people in Jesus’ day were terrified of the sea. They believed giant monsters lived in the sea and that there […]

Be Made Whole

Week_24_Be Made Whole Gillette Wyoming

Be Made Whole When John described the sick man at the Pool of Bethesda, he told us that the man was sick for thirty-eight years, not that he sat by the pool for thirty-eight years. Based on what we know about life expectancy at this time, it is likely that this man was sick his […]

How to Be Healed

Week_23_How to Be Healed Gillette Wyoming

How to Be Healed In John 5:1-15, there is a story about Jesus healing a crippled man by the pool of Bethesda. The passage describes the location of the pool in detail. It states that the pool was inside the city near the sheep gate and had five covered porches. That description is important because […]