
Conclusion As you read this book, you may have noticed I missed some of the big events and teachings of Jesus. The truth is, I could have easily tripled the length of this book. John had the same struggle. John 21:25 Jesus also did many other things. If they were all written down, I suppose…
How to Be Powerful

How to Be Powerful Who would you rather determine your life’s agenda—God or you? Our world chooses to follow the desires of their flesh, but true joy comes when we surrender. Surrendering to God’s will leads to a life of purpose and power beyond our imagination. The last time anyone saw Jesus physically on Earth is…
Enduring Pain

Enduring Pain My wife Darci grew up in a farming community called Sharon Springs, Kansas. There was only one small diner and one small grocery store, which means it was a table community. In Sharon Springs, life happens around the table. The pinnacle of life in Sharon is Christmas, and Darci’s mom, Cathy, was the…
Bringing Zombies to Life

Play Infinite Games Just before Jesus died on the cross, he announced his victory. John 19:30 He said, “It is finished!” Then he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. The Greek word for “it is finished” is “tetelestai,” and it was used in three ways during Jesus’ time. First, it was a financial term…
Play Infinite Games

Play Infinite Games When Jesus died on the cross, it appeared he had lost. People went back to their normal lives and assumed Jesus was just another fake Messiah, but Jesus had a bigger plan. He was playing the long game. Luke 23:46 Then Jesus shouted, “Father, I entrust my spirit into your hands!” And…
God’s Approval

God’s Approval Crucifixion was not only intended to be a brutally painful form of capital punishment, it was also meant to humiliate people and scare others into good behavior. As Jesus hung naked, mangled, and deformed on the cross, he demonstrated his incredible power. He did this not with physical strength, but through grace and…
But God Can

But God Can Today we’re reflecting on the horrific torture Jesus endured before he died. Matthew 27 recounts how Pilate ordered Jesus to be flogged with a lead-tipped whip before handing him over to be crucified. The governor’s soldiers mocked Jesus, dressing him in a scarlet robe, placing a crown of thorns on his head,…
Wear Christian T-Shirts

Wear Christian T-Shirts More than 60% of born-again Christians in America between the ages of 18 and 39 believe Jesus is not the only path to salvation. We’ve developed a consumeristic version of Christianity that says, “My faith is all about me, but if it’s not your cup of tea, you can pick a different…