calendar_today December 9, 2024

Acts: Life On Mission – Week 15 – Used By God

person Mike Wilson
view_list Acts: Life On Mission

Used By God

The church is growing, but growth comes with challenges. Week 15 of the Acts: Life on Mission series explores the story of Aquila and Priscilla, two background figures who made a monumental difference. Their story is a reminder that every person, regardless of their role, can be Used By God. This message delves into their partnership with the Apostle Paul and how their willingness and action contributed to the growth of the early church.

The Mission of the Church

Throughout the book of Acts, the church evolves from a disorganized group to a mission-oriented movement. Paul continually reminded believers of the mission Jesus gave in Acts 1:8:

"You will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

This calling required every believer to play their part, showing how anyone can be Used By God to fulfill His purpose.

Aquila and Priscilla: Quiet Heroes

Aquila and Priscilla are examples of how God uses ordinary people for extraordinary purposes. In Acts 18:1-3, Paul meets this couple in Corinth. They shared a common trade—tentmaking—and became invaluable partners in ministry. Despite having secular jobs, they allowed their work to take on eternal significance by supporting Paul and mentoring emerging leaders like Apollos (Acts 18:18-26).

Their Impact:

  • They provided financial support for the church.
  • They opened their home for ministry, creating a space for discipleship.
  • They invested in others, mentoring Apollos into a significant leader of the early church.

Their lives show that being Used By God doesn’t require a title or formal training—just a willing heart and obedient hands.

The Call to Be Used By God

What does it mean to be Used By God? It starts with two things:

  1. A Willing Heart
    A willing heart says, “Here I am, Lord. Use me.” Isaiah’s prayer in Isaiah 6:8 echoes this sentiment:
    “Here am I. Send me!”
    Aquila and Priscilla were willing to leave their home in Rome due to persecution and establish a new mission in Corinth. They allowed God to direct their steps, even when it disrupted their plans.

  2. Obedient Hands
    A willing heart must be followed by action. Jesus frequently required people to take a step of faith before performing miracles, such as Peter casting out his nets again in Luke 5:4-6. Similarly, Aquila and Priscilla didn’t just talk about their faith—they acted on it, supporting Paul’s ministry and discipling others.

Lessons from Their Lives

1. Everyone Has a Role to Play
You don’t need to be a preacher or a theologian to be Used By God. Your occupation, skills, and resources can become tools for ministry. Whether it’s a secular job like Aquila’s tentmaking or a passion for hospitality, God uses all aspects of our lives for His mission.

2. Relationships Matter
Aquila and Priscilla were a team. They demonstrate the power of partnership in ministry, showing that we are stronger together. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 reminds us:
“Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.”

3. Investing in Others Creates Ripples
Their mentorship of Apollos (Acts 18:26) illustrates how investing in others can amplify the impact of the gospel. Through their teaching, Apollos became a bold preacher and leader in the early church.

Faith in Action

The story of Aquila and Priscilla challenges us to evaluate how we can be Used By God. Are we willing to:

  • Open our homes for ministry?
  • Support the church financially?
  • Mentor someone in their faith journey?
  • Take a step of faith even when it’s uncomfortable?

Practical Steps to Be Used By God

  • Pray for Willingness
    Begin with the prayer, “Lord, here I am. Use me.” This simple yet powerful prayer invites God to work through your life.

  • Identify Needs
    Look around for opportunities to serve, whether it’s helping a neighbor, volunteering at church, or mentoring someone in your community.

  • Take Action
    God’s plans often require us to step out of our comfort zones. Whether it’s inviting someone to church, donating to a ministry, or using your skills for His glory, obedience leads to transformation.


Aquila and Priscilla remind us that God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. Their story challenges us to ask, “How can I be Used By God?” By cultivating a willing heart and obedient hands, we can step into the roles God has prepared for us.


Will you allow yourself to be Used By God today? Take the first step and watch how He works through you to accomplish His mission.

Did you like Acts: Life On Mission – Week 15 – Used By God? If so, check out more of our Sunday teachings here.

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